Greater power levels with fewer panels
The new N-Peak 3 Black Series features up to 400 Wp in a 66-cell format panel, the most efficient cell technology in the industry, capturing more sunlight and resulting in more power. Additionally, REC’s ‘twin’ cell design splits the panel into two distinct sections allowing continued energy production even when the panel is partially shaded. The new design and improved engineering in the 3rd generation of the N-Peak family will also enable property owners to pack in higher power into a limited space and achieve greater power levels with fewer panels—a real win-win.
Improved strength and durability
What makes this panel even more appealing for property owners, especially those in the Midwest, is the N-Peak 3 Series also features extra support bars across the rear of the panel, significantly improving the panels' strength and durability.
Limited availability
REC has released the N-Peak 3 Black Series panel for installation to a limited number of installers across the United States. As a 2022 REC Installer Excellence Award winner and an REC Enterprise Solar Professional, All Energy Solar has preferred access to the N-Peak 3 panel allocation from REC.
To learn more about the N-Peak 3 Series or just simply the benefits of investing in environmentally friendly, clean, renewable solar energy, contact an All Energy Solar representative.