All Energy Solar

The Key to a Great Solar Installation? The Installers.

One of the often-overlooked parts of reviewing solar estimates is the installation team. A well-established provider with extensive experience designing and installing these systems will ensure that your solar array is installed correctly and with as little stress and disruption for you and your property as possible. Here are a few things to look for when reviewing solar estimates.ComparingEstimates-Warranties

A dedicated team

Solar installations are well-orchestrated efforts between designers, engineers, project managers, technicians, and electricians. Some solar companies will outsource portions of the engineering, design, and installation process to third parties. This can work well at times, but it can also be a cause for delays or issues with the quality and efficiency of the installation process. Other installers will have a dedicated staff of installers. This usually ensures that the work is being done consistently and to the same standards on each and every project.

An experienced team

As solar becomes more common, the number of solar installation companies continues to grow to meet that demand. You’ll want to understand the level of experience and expertise each installer has. How long have they been in business? How many projects have they completed? Don’t be afraid to ask for customer referrals and project samples, or to look at unbiased customer reviews online. A solar provider without many reviews or without positive feedback might not be the right choice when finding the best fit for your project.

Certified installers

You’ll want to make sure you’re working with a North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) certified installer. NABCEP is the most highly recognized, professional certifying body in the renewable energy industry. This voluntary certification provides a set of national quality standards that certified installers agree to adhere to. NABCEP offers both individual and company accreditation and is a sign that an installer is trained and skilled in the highest standards of installation methods. Ask your installer about their understanding of NABCEP and how they incorporate those practices into their work. This will ensure you’re working with a true PV professional and not just an electrical contractor.

For more information on how to find the absolute best installer to accomplish your solar installation, download our eBook, Comparing Solar Estimates.

Download our eBook, Comparing Solar Estimates, to discover more about how to properly vet solar installers and choose the right partner for your energy needs. eBook_CTA_ComparingSolarEstimates



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